25 Important Staffing Questions and Answers [With PDF]

The 5th chapter of our Management learning course is “Staffing”. In this article, we’ll learn the 25 most important staffing questions and their answers.

It will help you understand the important staffing terms and their explanations quickly.

You can read the previous three chapters of our management learning course here if you missed them.

By reading this post, you may quickly prepare for management courses and for any competitive tests such as school and college exams, vivas, job interviews, and so on.

So let’s get started…

Staffing Questions and Answers

The 25 important staffing questions and answers are as follows:

Question 01: What is Human Resource Management?

Answer: Human resource management is the management of manpower including planning, recruitment, selection, appointment, training and development, provision of salaries, and facilities for the purpose of building and maintaining a skilled and competent workforce for the organization.

Question 02: What is Staffing?

Answer: Staffing is the recruitment, selection, appointment, training, and development of staff for the purpose of creating and retaining skilled manpower for the organization.

Question 03: What are the Steps of the Staffing Process?

Answer: The different steps of the staffing process are as follows:

  • Recruitment of employee
  • Selection of employee
  • Appointment and Placement
  • Training

Question 04: What is Recruitment?

Answer: The work of bringing potential job candidates into the selection process is called staff recruitment

Question 05: What are the Various Steps of the Recruitment Process?

Answer: The various steps of the recruitment process are as follows:

  • Collecting departmental requisition
  • Determination of source
  • Service notice

Question 06: What are the Sources of Recruitment?

Answer: The sources of recruitment are as follows:

Internal Sources:

  • Promotion
  • Recommendation of employed personnel
  • Recommendation of trade union

External Sources:

  • Searcher of employment
  • Educational institute
  • Employment exchange commission
  • Vocational training institute
  • Advertisement              

Question 07: What is the Internal Source of Recruitment?

Answer: Employees are often recruited from among or through the employees working in the organization. This is called the internal source of recruitment.

Question 08: What are the Advantages of Internal Sources of Recruitment?

Answer: The following are the advantages of internal sources of recruitment:

  • Developing Loyalty
  • Recruiting capable employees
  • Morale Building
  • Reduced employee turnover
  • Cost savings
  • Maintaining regularity at work
  • Developing organizational relationships

Question 09: What are the Disadvantages of Internal Sources of Recruitment?

Answer: the disadvantages of internal sources of recruitment are as follows:

  • Making a blank post
  • Putting a stumbling block in the way of new merits
  • Selection complexity
  • Stasis in thinking and inspiration
  • A scarcity of capable employees

Question 10: What are the Advantages of External Sources of Recruitment?

Answer: The following are the advantages of external sources of recruitment:

  • Recruiting capable employees
  • Increasing motivation
  • Reducing administrative burdens
  • Establishing new job-creation facilities

Question 11: What are the Disadvantages of External Sources of Recruitment?

Answer: The disadvantages of external sources of recruitment are as follows:

  • Increased spending
  • It takes time.
  • Lowering morale
  • A problem with coordination;
  • A problem with selecting an effective employee

Question 12: What is the Method of Employee Selection?

Answer:  The method of employee selection is as follows:

  • Application receipt and review
  • Sending out invitations to participate in a selection test
  • Performing a test
  • Attending an interview
  • Initial selection
  • Personal history inquiry
  • Medical examination
  • Final decision

Question 13: What is the Difference between Recruitment and Selection of Employee?

Answer: the important two differences between recruitment and selection of employees are as follows:

  • Recruitment is the process of taking the necessary steps to bring the job seekers to the organization for the purpose of recruitment, on the other hand, in the process of recruitment, the selection is the selection of qualified workers from among those who come for the job.
  • Recruitment is the first step in the recruitment process, while selection is the second or next step in the recruitment process.

Question 14: What is Promotion?

Answer: Promotion refers to the advancement of an employee from his current position to one of greater responsibility and rank.

Question 15: What is the Basis of Promotion?

Answer: The basis of promotion is as follows:

  • Promotion on the basis of seniority
  • Promotion on the basis of merit
  • Promotion on the basis of seniority and merit

Question 16: What is Employee Appointment?

Answer: Employee appointment is the process by which a decision is made to appoint a specific person to a position following various experiments and inquiries in the selection process.

Question 17: What is Training?

Answer: Training is a formal effort to provide hands-on education as well as theoretical knowledge in order to improve employee efficiency.

Question 18: What is the Importance of Training?

Answer: The importance of training is as follows:

  • Improved efficiency
  • Become acquainted with the work
  • Effective directing
  • Reduction of indirect expenses.
  • The formation of new ideas
  • Reduction in the number of accidents and fatalities
  • Lowering labor turnover and unrest

Question 19: What are the Various Methods of Training?

Answer: The various methods of training are as follows:

On-the-job Training:

  • Apprenticeship
  • Job rotation
  • Internship
  • Coaching

Off-the-job Training:

  • Lecture Method
  • Discussion Method
  • Seminar
  • Conference
  • Incident Method
  • Work-shop
  • Online education and e training

Question 20: What is Employment Exchange Commission?

Answer: The employment exchange commission is an institution that facilitates the placement of candidates in exchange for a commission.

Question 21: What is an Interview?

Answer: An interview is a formal communication method where the interviewer has a face-to-face conversation with the interviewer for staff selection.

Question 22: What is a Joining Letter?

Answer: According to the letter of appointment, the official letter that the employee writes to the authorities about the approval of the joining is called the joining letter.

Question 23: What is Learning?

Answer: Learning is what a person or staff learns through education, experience, and training.

Question 24: What is Apprenticeship Training?

Answer: Apprentice training is an attempt to teach a new employee who is looking for a permanent job, to keep him/her involved in the job for a certain period of time, and to improve their skills.

Question 25: What is Outsourcing?                                  

Answer: Outsourcing is the process of hiring people from outside the organization on a contract basis.

I hope that by the end of this post, you have a good understanding of the “Staffing” chapter.

You will gain a better understanding of the “Staffing” chapter if you read these 25 important staffing questions and answers on a regular basis.

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