30 Important Introduction to Business Communication Questions and Answers [With PDF]

The first chapter of our business communication learning course is “Introduction to Business Communication.” In this article, we’ll learn the 30 most important introduction to business communication questions and their answers.

It will help you quickly learn what business communication is, how it works, its basic rules, how important or necessary it is, the different kinds of business communication, how to think about ethics when communicating in business, and much more.

By reading this post, you can quickly get ready for marketing courses as well as other competitive exams like vivas, job interviews, and school and college exams.

So let’s get started.

Introduction to Business Communication Questions and Answers  

The 30 most important introduction to business communication questions and answers are as follows:

Question 1: What is communication?

Answer: Communication is the process of sharing or sending any kind of data, information, message, opinion, idea, or fact in order to make sense of what is being said.

Question 2: What is the scope of communication?

Answer: According to the organization’s nature, workflow, size, location, etc., the communication’s scope can be small or large. The scope of communication is discussed from several perspectives below:

#1. Communication in personal life: 

Communication is essential at all stages of human life, from birth to death. He must always stay in touch, no matter what he is doing: being a child, a student, a worker, a politician, or doing anything else. Communication encompasses all communication that occurs at these levels or times.

#2. Communication in religious life: 

Communication is also related to the religious lives of people. Different religious preachers have communicated with the Creator to get their religion’s message and motto, and they have also used communication to spread that message to the general public.

#3. Communication in the social field: 

Humans are social creatures who must live in a social environment. So, he has to be involved in many different events and activities and keep in touch with many different people, families, and institutions in society.

#4. Communication in state life: 

Communication is an important part of running the government because it helps ministries, departments, offices, and other parts of the government work together.

# 5. Communication in the business world: 

Communication is critical in business, and every organization must communicate with the people and organizations that support them in production, distribution, and in order to define and implement goals and objectives.

Question 3: What is business communication?

Answer: Business communication is the exchange of thoughts, information, and opinions between parties in a business relationship.

Question 4: What are the essential characteristics of business communication?

Answer: The following are the essential characteristics of business communication:

  • Business communication occurs between two or more parties.
  • Communication should be expressed through verbal or non-verbal means.
  • Communication should be short but informative and relevant.
  • A message is sent to achieve a specific objective at a specific time.
  • Before communicating, the communicator needs to know the real purpose of the communication.
  • The message or content of the communication must be accurate.

Question 5: What are the objectives of business communication?

Answer: The important objectives of business communication are as follows:

  • To achieve organizational goals
  • To achieve efficiency
  • Formulate Plans
  • To solve problem
  • To facilitate direction and motivation
  • Increase Job Satisfaction
  • Increasing effort and motivation for work

Question 6: What is the importance of effective business communication?

Answer: The following are reasons why effective business communication is important:

  • Increasing managerial effectiveness
  • Plan creation and implementation
  • Increasing employee effectiveness
  • collaborating and preventing conflict
  • Creating employee motivation
  • Making decisions

Question 7: What are the fundamental principles of business communication?

Answer: The fundamental principles of business communication are as follows:

  • Principle of planning
  • Principle of clarity and simplicity
  • Principle of using language
  • Principle of attention
  • Principle of use of informal organization
  • Principle of integrity
  • Principle of unity and completeness
  • Principle of the presence of both parties)
  • Principle of using suitable media
  • Principle of co-ordination
  • Principle of feedback

Question 8: What are the essential qualities of effective business communication?

Answer: The essential qualities of effective business communication are as follows:

  • Classification of ideas
  • Setting objectives
  • Clarity and error-free composition
  • Simple presentation
  • Appropriate time and environment
  • Media selection
  • Identification of customer education and knowledge
  • Prior consultation on communication planning
  • Measuring sender-receiver relationships
  • Preservation of mutual interest

Question 9: What are the barriers to effective business communication?

Answer: The following are the barriers to effective business communication:

  • Excessive organizational hierarchies
  • Language barrier
  • Differences in perception and personality
  • A lack of cultural knowledge
  • Incorrect medium selection
  • Overload of information
  • Physical diversion

Question 10: What are the ways to overcome communication challenges?

Answer: Interruptions to a successful message exchange can occur at any time and in any way. These barriers can be structural, psychological, written, or verbal. 

There are a number of things that can be done to remove barriers to business communication and ensure that business organizations can communicate well. 

Effective communication in business organizations requires clear and well-defined policies. This policy will outline how, with whom, and when to make contact. 

Through this, it is possible to speed up the flow of communication. Communication processes are effective when complex and unnecessary organizational structures are changed and simplified.

For communication to work well, people need to be interested in using modern and advanced technology, which also makes the message more useful and interesting.

Question 11: What are the seven Cs of effective business communication?

Answer: The following are the seven Cs of effective business communication:

  • Credibility
  • Context
  • Channels
  • Clarity
  • Consistency
  • Capability
  • Conciseness

Question 12: What is the process of business communication?

Answer: The process of business communication is as follows:

  • Developing idea
  • Encoding
  • Selecting media
  • Transmitting messages
  • Receiving messages
  • Decoding
  • Response

Question 13: What are the essential components of the communication process?

Answer: The following are the essential components of the communication process:

  • Source of Information
  • Sender
  • Encoding
  • Message
  • Channel
  • Receiver
  • Decoding
  • Feedback
  • Noise

Question 14: What is two-way communication?

Answer: Two-way communication is the flow of information through a channel in both forward and backward directions.

Question 15: What is the necessity of two-way communication?

Answer: There are numerous reasons for two-way communication, which are listed below:

  • Dynamic process
  • Job satisfaction
  • Creation of a democratic environment
  • Providing suggestion

Question 16: What is feedback?

Answer: Feedback is what happens when the recipient responds to a message or piece of information sent by the sender.

Question 17: What is the cause of poor feedback?

Answer: The following are the causes of poor feedback:

  • Use of formal communication channel
  • Noise
  • Unfavorable relationship

Question 18: What is effective communication?

Answer: Any form of communication has a specific purpose. If the purpose of communication is fully understood by the receiver, then it is called “effective communication.”

Question 19: What is the communication model?

Answer: The communication model is a symbolic representation of the communication process. It does not show the details of a message, but rather presents only those elements that are related to the object of sending a message.

Question 20: What are internal and external operational communication?


Internal-operational communication:

Internal-operational communication is a way for people within an organization to talk to each other in a way that helps them achieve their work goals.

External-operational communication:

External-operational communication is that part of an organization’s structured communication that is concerned with achieving the organization’s work goals that are concerned with people and groups outside the organization.

Question 21: What is the communication situation?

Answer: The communication situation is an example of a situation in which the sender and the receiver talk to each other.

Question 22: What is the aristotelian and circular model of communication?


Aristotelian model of communication:

It is the oldest and simplest model of communication. This model includes only three elements of communication, such as sender, message, and receiver.

Circular model of communication:

This model emphasizes two-way communication. Here the emphasis is on the response of the receiver. So, the sender always anticipates feedback from the receiver.

Question 23: How can cross-cultural communication be successful?

Answer: The following recommendations can aid in cross-cultural communication:

  • Learn about cultures.
  • Improving communication skill
  • Avoid non-verbal hints
  • Maintain flexibility.

Question 24: How has the scope of communication increased?

Answer: Communication has become more important in all areas of life, such as work, social interactions, government, business, and management.

Question 25: What are the aspects of communication?

Answer: There are three aspects of communication like 

  • Sender
  • Channel
  • Receiver

Question 26: What is the usefulness of communication?

Answer: Some of the usefulness of communication is as follows:

  • Exchange of information
  • Improvement in personnel skills
  • Direction to the subordinates

Question 27: What is the message?

Answer: Messages are things that are sent to someone else, like facts, ideas, opinions, information, or feelings.

Question 28: What is verbal and non-verbal communication?


Verbal communication: Verbal communication refers to spoken or written words.

Non-verbal communication: Non-verbal communication means facial expression, gestural expression, etc.

Question 29: What are upward and downward communication?


Upward communication: Upward communication is when information is sent from a lower level of an organization to a higher level.

Downward communication: Communication from a higher level to a lower level is called “downward communication.”

Question 30: What are the ethical considerations in effective business communication?

Answer: Organizations need to take ethics seriously to ensure effective communication in organizations. 

Business communication is all about giving the right information and preparing and sending messages with respect for and understanding of the person who will receive them. 

In this case, care should be taken to understand whether the sender himself is trying to understand the meaning of the message from the position of the receiver. 

Politics, religion, jokes, and other sensitive topics should be kept out of business communications as much as possible. 

Again, the sender prepares the message by trying to understand and adapt as much as possible to the receiver’s position and situation so that the message is sent in the right way.

So, in order for business communication to work well, people must share messages or news that are honest and correct.

By the end of this post, I hope you have a good understanding of the “Introduction to Business Communication” chapter.

You will understand the “Introduction to Business Communication” chapter better if you read these 30 important questions and answers about it on a regular basis.

Don’t forget to leave a comment for us if you have any questions or if you would like to find out more information.

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